dog with prosthetic legsman drinking water with bionic arm

What Are
Bionic Limbs For?

Bionic limbs are essential for people who have lost limbs because they allow the amputee to repossess the ability to move and be independent. Amputees would not otherwise be able to do things any other human being would normally do. This includes some of the simplest tasks we take for granted, like picking up a ball or tying our shoelaces. Prosthesis are able to give users a range of mobility, and the latest technology even allows you to control your prosthetic with thoughts. Bionic limbs are also able to provide a sense of comfort to users, allowing them to feel more normal, and not receive stares from passer-bys.

Stories From The Web

These are just some real-life stories from amputees around the world, about their experiences.

85 year-old Ruth Casto thought she would never walk again after losing a leg from a horrific fall...

Matt McCluskey had to have a left leg, below-the-knee, amputation after being diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma at just 14...

Monique Murphy makes a splash at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, bringing home a silver medal for Australia...